strcpy copies src to dest stopping after the terminating null-character is copied.
src should be null-terminated!
dest should have enough memory space allocated to contain src string.
Return Value: returns dest
copy ctors calling
call functions by value:
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voidroster( Person ); // declare function Person child( "Ruby" ); // create object roster( child ); // call function
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//normal initialization Person baby_a("Fred"); // these use the copy ctor Person baby_b = baby_a; Person baby_c( baby_a );
function return:
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Person captain(){ Person player("George"); return player; } ... Person who(""); ...
Avoid copy ctor?
Compilers can “optimize out” copies when safe!
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Person copy_func( char *who ){ Person local( who ); local.print(); return local; // copy ctor called! } Person nocopy_func( char *who ){ returnPerson( who ); } // no copy needed!