DS C9 Parallelism Overview Machine parallelism Processor parallelism Pipelining Very-Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Parallel algorithms Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) A Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) is a 2023-06-06 Computer Science > Data Structures #DataStructures
OOP C12 Exceptions Intro Runtime Error The basic philosophy of C++ is Badly formed codes will not be run. There’s always something happening in run-time and It is very important to deal with all possible situation in 2023-06-05 Computer Science > Object-Oriented #Programming
AIL C8 论证与攻击关系 除了对不完备知识,对其他多种类型的知识表示与推理也存在一致性的处理问题。 实践推理: 处理不同行动之间的相互排斥关系; 规范推理: 处理不同规范之间的冲突关系; 多主体说服或争论:处理不同观点之间的不协调关系。 这些不同推理背景下的冲突处理被抽象化,并在统一框架下建模: 各个局部推理抽象化为有特定状态的论证 论证之上的演算是关于论证之间攻击关系的演算。 论辩逻辑:专门处理各种知识之间攻 2023-06-02 AI > Logic #AI
DS C8 Randomized Algorithm What to Randomize? Average-case Analysis: The world behaves randomly, randomly generated input solved by traditional algorithm and analysed. Randomized Algorithms: The algorithm makes random decis 2023-05-30 Computer Science > Data Structures #DataStructures
AIL C7 回答集编程 回答集编程,ASP是一种建模非单调推理的逻辑编程与问题求解范式。一个 ASP 程序由一组规则组成,每条规则与霍恩子句类似,但可以包含带缺省否定(notnotnot)的文字。故ASP可以建模非单调推理。 ASP 结合了逻辑编程语言 Prolog 的语法和语义定义,以及 SAT 求解器的可满足搜索机制。 逻辑程序 逻辑程序由一组逻辑编程规则组成。 逻辑编程规则 每条逻辑编程规则形如: a0←a1,.. 2023-05-26 AI > Logic #AI
OOP C8 Copy constructor Copying is to create a new object from an existing one. It is imlplemented by the copy constructor. 12345678void func(Currency p) { cout << "X = " << p.dollars();} 2023-05-16 Computer Science > Object-Oriented #Programming
OOP C9 Overloaded operators Overloading Operators allows user-defined types(class) to act like built-in types. It is another way to make a function call. Overloaded operators Unary operators that can be overloaded: ! ++ -- op 2023-05-16 Computer Science > Object-Oriented #Programming
DB C9 Query Processing CPU can’t manipulate the data in disk directly. The growth rate of the disk data transfer(read/write) speed is much slower than that of the disk size. In 20 years, disk size: 1000 times; read/wri 2023-05-15 Database system #Database
DB C8 Indexing Basic Concepts Indexing mechanisms used to speed up access to desired data. e.g author catalog in library. Search Key: attribute to set of attributes used to look up records in a file. index file: con 2023-05-08 Database system #Database
AIL C6 缺省逻辑 非单调逻辑概述 经典逻辑无法处理不确定、不完备、不一致的知识。知识的不完备性在各种基于知识的智能系统中广泛存在。 对于一个知识库的知识的不完备性:存在一个公式,使得依据该知识库不能证明该公式为真,也不能证明该公式为假。 在基于框架的知识表示中,知识的不完备性体现在难以穷尽表示主体的行动对世界状态的影响。 推理系统的非单调性:由在推理系统下推理得到的结论可能会是错误的;出现新信息时,已推出的错误 2023-05-05 AI > Logic #AI